- hyperreflexia
- n. autonomic dysreflexia, over-activity of the autonomic nervous system caused by an injury to the spinal cord (Medicine)
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
Hyperreflexia — SignSymptom infobox Name = PAGENAME ICD10 = ICD10|R|29|2|r|25 ICD9 = ICD9|796.1 Hyperreflexia is defined as overactive or overresponsive reflexes. Examples of this can include twitching or spastic tendencies, which are indicative of upper motor… … Wikipedia
hyperreflexia — noun Overactive or overresponsive reflexes … Wiktionary
hyperreflexia — A condition in which the deep tendon reflexes are exaggerated. detrusor h. SYN: detrusor instability. * * * hy·per·re·flex·ia rē flek sē ə n overactivity of physiological reflexes * * * hy·per·re·flex·ia (hi″pər re flekґse ə)… … Medical dictionary
hyperreflexia — hy·per·re·flex·ia … English syllables
hyperreflexia — ˌhīpə(r)rə̇ˈfleksēə noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from hyper + English reflex + New Latin ia : overactivity of physiological reflexes … Useful english dictionary
autonomic hyperreflexia — paroxysmal hypertension, bradycardia, sweating of the forehead, severe headache, and gooseflesh due to distention of the bladder and rectum; it is associated with lesions above the outflow of the splanchnic nerves … Medical dictionary
detrusor hyperreflexia — increased contractile activity of the detrusor urinae muscle, resulting in urge incontinence, seen in spinal neural disease, supraspinal neural or vascular disease, parkinsonism, and some forms of dementia. Cf. detrusor instability … Medical dictionary
гиперрефлексия — (hyperreflexia; гипер + рефлекс) повышение сегментарных рефлексов вследствие ослабления тормозящих влияний коры головного мозга на сегментарный рефлекторный аппарат; возникает, напр., при поражении пирамидных путей … Большой медицинский словарь
Гиперрефлекси́я — (hyperreflexia; Гипер + Рефлекс) повышение сегментарных рефлексов вследствие ослабления тормозящих влияний коры головного мозга на сегментарный рефлекторный аппарат; возникает, например, при поражении пирамидных путей … Медицинская энциклопедия
Reflex hammer — A reflex hammer is a medical instrument used by physicians to test deep tendon reflexes. Testing for reflexes is an important part of the neurological physical examination in order to detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous… … Wikipedia